The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Unisex Lab Coat
Tips and Tricks

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Unisex Lab Coat

When working in the healthcare industry, wearing unisex lab coats becomes a habit. You start your work day off wearing your unisex lab coats. And every man and woman working in the healthcare industry has worn unisex lab coats. However, though they were designed to look the same on everyone; you can choose unisex lab coats that fit perfectly. This is why we have penned the ultimate guide to choosing the perfect unisex lab coats.

Characteristics Of Perfect Unisex Lab Coats.

Even if you wear unisex lab coats, there are certain criteria that you need to examine. Matching this criteria ensures you get the perfect fitting unisex lab coat. That criteria is:

Finding Your Correct Style And Fit

To get your perfect unisex lab coat, the first thing to consider is basic and crucial. This characteristic checks if the fit and size of your unisex lab coat is according to your body type. The waist, length, chest, sleeves, collars and hips of your unisex lab coats should fit perfectly on you. Only then will you feel like the strong, confident and sophisticated professional that you are.

It is important to understand that if your unisex lab coat is too long, then your shoulders would sag. This means that your unisex lab coat will envelop you and create problems while you work. The sagging shoulders will also draw the sleeves down, making you roll them up in a bunch. This is not only uncomfortable, but can also become a work and health hazard. When you work with bodily fluids, chemicals and patients alike; your sleeves should be the appropriate length. Longer sleeves are unhygienic and may create a potential contamination breach, endangering the lives of everyone in the facility.

Just as oversized unisex lab coats may pose problems, undersized unisex lab coats are also highly problematic. This is due to the fact that snug or small unisex lab coats restrict mobility and movement. This would not just impact your work, but can cause hindrance during emergencies. Therefore it is imperative that the size and fit of your unisex lab coat is well according to your measurements.

How Long Should The Sleeve Be

In order to select the perfect unisex lab coat for work, you need to keep your job description in mind. As a professional you might have to wear long sleeved lab coats. But then you might also need unisex lab coat in ¾ length sleeve for protection.

In order to get the perfect unisex lab coat for work, your sleeves should be an asset. The length of your unisex lab coat should protect your arms from accidental spills and splatters of all sorts. Your sleeves should never be so long and loose, that you would have to roll them up. Neither should they not be so short and tight that your movement is restricted. The length of your unisex lab coat should let you conduct your tasks comfortably and with optimal protection.

Pockets For Practicality

The best unisex lab coats are those that can assist you in your duties. This includes providing storage for your instruments of regular use. These instruments could be your pen and note pad; or it could be test tubes, medical instruments, swabs etc. Therefore your best unisex lab coat must be equipped with at least one pocket.

Your unisex lab coat pockets must be deep enough to store your things. They should not be just for show. These pockets assist you in staying prepped and ready for anything your job might require.

Functionality Supreme

When we talk about functionality of the best unisex lab coats, we talk about the fabric. The fabric of your unisex lab coat is what provides its chief characteristics. These characteristics is what you need in order to stay covered and protected at work.

The blend of materials to make the perfect blend fabric of your unisex lab coats is what makes it breathable. Modern technology has also managed to create materials that are moisture-wicking, wrinkle-resistant and stain-resistant. All these qualities give you a long lasting, neat looking unisex lab coat that you will be proud to wear.

The functional characteristics of your unisex lab coats also includes, its ability to create mobility for you. Your unisex lab coats move, bend and flutter with you as you work. This not only optimizes your performance but also shields you from harmful substances.

Customization For Personalization

Your best unisex lab coats can be customized to fit you just right. From the style, cut, sleeves and collar to the length, pockets and color. Everything you need in order to turn regular unisex lab coats into your best ones can be done through customization.

Every batch of unisex lab coats is made the same, whereas people come in all different shapes and sizes. Therefore, your best unisex lab coats would be those that you have customized according to your size and needs. Companies and websites such as Just Lab Coats offer you a whole range of customizations on your unisex lab coats. This includes personalization where you can get line and logo embroidery to make the unisex lab coats your own. This customization and personalization makes your unisex lab coats your own. It also bestows uniquely identifiable qualities that are easily recognized by everyone around you.

Durability for Productivity

One of the ultimate characteristics to look for when purchasing your perfect unisex lab coat is durability. Because your unisex lab coats are worn all day and every day at work; their durability is imperative. This means that you need to get unisex lab coats which ensure that the stitching won't easily break during tasks.

Another aspect of durability of your unisex lab coats is its stain-resistant properties. As most unisex lab coats are white in color, it's highly likely that you will get stains on them. Stain-resistant properties keep the stains on the surface, not allowing them to penetrate into the fibers. This allows you to wash the stains away easily without leaving any residual stains. This means that your unisex lab coat look new and fresh longer.

Time To Get Your Own

In order to get your perfect unisex lab coat, you need to actively participate in tweaking it. The fine tuning you do on the physical characteristics of your unisex lab coats will allow them to fit you best.

Your perfect fitting unisex lab coats also allow you to work better and look attractive and stylish while doing it. Therefore only by purchasing quality unisex lab coats from website like Just Lab Coats can you guarantee quality worthy material. So now you can easily purchase your perfect unisex lab coats, in the exact style and measurement you need. You can also customize it however you like to give it your extra unique flare.
