Collection: Doctor Guide

Reasons Why Medicine Is The Right Career Choice For You

Reasons Why Medicine Is The Right Career Choice For You

Have you ever pondered upon why medicine?
It's a rather difficult question. Regardless of whether you want to pursue a career in medicine, need to prepare your personal statement or prep...
Why Nursing Is A Great Career Choice For Men?

Why Nursing Is A Great Career Choice For Men?

In the US, nursing has been dominated by mostly female. However, a change in trend is now being observed where more men are joining this noble professional. With COVID-19 changing the dynamics of the globe...
Emotional Trauma - Coping Up With Loss As A Nurse

Emotional Trauma - Coping Up With Loss As A Nurse

Death or loss of life is one of the bitter realities of life and everyone has to deal with the grief. As a nurse, you have to deal with such news more than others. While you are in nursing school, you are taught about death and how to reach on it...
Life After COVID-19: A Change in Spectrum

Life After COVID-19: A Change in Spectrum

With COVID-19, life has come to a complete halt. The number of cases are increasing at a rampant pace globally, where tech giants like Apple and Google are playing their part to track the virus. At this point, some countries are considering to life their lockdowns altogether to help support the crippling economies...
Ways to Keep You and Your Loved Ones Protected Amid Coivd-19

Ways to Keep You and Your Loved Ones Protected Amid...

With the onset of COVID-19, the world has come to a sudden halt where countries across the globe our trying their best to save lives. At this point, it is not just about the duty of healthcare professionals to spread awareness, rather everyone needs to be responsible and adopt healthy hygiene practices to overcome this fatal battle...
Top 10 Study Tips for Nursing Students

Top 10 Study Tips for Nursing Students

Ask any nurse and they would tell you how challenging nursing actually is. While people who just manage their education find it extremely hard to manage their studies, imagine how difficult it is for those who manage work and home chores along with nursing education...