The History and Evolution of White Lab Coats in Medicine
Medical Lab Coats

The History and Evolution of White Lab Coats in Medicine

The History and Evolution of White Lab Coats in Medicine

The field of medicine has been around, since as far back as recorded time. Medical professionals before established healthcare system were known as medicine man and medicine woman. Their assistants were subsequently known as apprentices or assistants. Both doctor and apprentice often gave medicine made from natural and organic substance. Thus the term herbal medicine was conceived. Possessing the talent to cure ailments, got both the apprentice and teacher reverence throughout the village.

The organized concept of doctors and nurses came about eventually as the field of medicine progressed. This organized medicine also brought with it specific uniforms and attire that eventually became universally recognized symbols of medical science. One of these symbols are white lab coats. And whether you’re a medical professional, a student or an aspiring healthcare provider, there are important things you should learn. One of the most important being the history and evolution of white lab coats in medicine. You need to know where your coats came from. Such pieces of medical history is what keeps you grounded and focused in your career. Learning the history of white lab coats should gain you some understanding about a medical professionals’ responsibilities and its magnitude. It should also guide you in becoming your best version as a medical professional.


The history of lab coats in medicine is short, simple and quite understandable. It does not contain any drama or scandals; rather it stemmed from a need. This need was an effort to make people realize how medicine was evolving. And for the survival of the human race, doctors did what was necessary before preaching to the world.

As it was, before the late 1800s, the field of medicine was not held in much regard. The mortality rate due to diseases was high, yet people called upon doctors only as a last resort. And if a doctor did show up at your doorstep, your ill loved one was sure to die. This is because compared to now, medical science was still in its infancy. There were many important lifesaving discoveries yet to be made. And until that happened, people mostly relied on their superstitious beliefs and folk remedies that did not help much. Therefore, the arrival of a doctor was a bad omen for a family. And the fact that doctors wore a black coat did not help then in gaining a pleasant reputation either.

Since black was a color worn by gentry and professionals, even doctors wore black coats to look distinguished. Subsequently, because the arrival of a doctor meant imminent death; black coats came to be recognized as ominous and inauspicious. However, in the late 19th century things had started to change.  As Joseph Lister’s ideas about antiseptics were spreading; other groundbreaking medical discoveries were also being made. John Snow had a breakthrough in mapping the spread of cholera and the reputation of science was finally gaining ascendancy. This is when doctors realized that if new ideas had to be taught, their previous image had to shed. And thus began the era of white lab coats.


The purpose of lab coats in medicine is quite simple. They were always meant to do two things:

  1. Protect the researcher from coming in contact with the harmful chemicals and substances they have to work with.
  2. Preventing the experiment from getting contaminated with dust and other microbes present on the researchers’ clothes and skin.

With this in mind, the medical community adopted lab coats for formal use. These lab coats eventually became a universally identifiable symbol of medical professionals. But what role did the color white play in the evolution of medical science of the late 19th century? That is a story worth knowing.

White is a color that is often associated with purity, perfection, cleanliness, honesty and beginnings. And because doctors had started following the new medical breakthroughs, they understood the resistance they would face from the people. Doctors understood that the resistance of people in understanding medical knowledge stemmed from ignorance. The fear of the new and unknown often overpowered logic and sense. Therefore, after abandoning the ominous black coats and wearing the new white lab coats, doctors started playing a little trick. By wearing white lab coats, they began to silently and subconsciously manipulate the thought process of the public.

Until then color psychology or the impact of colors on mind and behaviors wasn’t completely understood. Subsequently, even doctors didn’t realize what they were practicing. By wearing white lab coats before introducing new ideas regarding hygiene, doctors became more convincing. Unimaginable knowledge such as germ theory got accepted much faster. This in turn started converting the practices and belief system of the people. White lab coats subconsciously relayed the message that doctors were honest and spoke the truth. This allowed the new medical practices to grow right along with the industrial revolution.

Over time as medical science evolved, so did white lab coats. Where once lab coats were only white and simple in style; now there is a whole rage you can choose from. Regardless of your gender, a practitioner of sciences can now get custom white lab coats made with their own requirement. From gender specifications to style, size, fabric and color; you can now get your perfect and ideal white lab coats. Medical uniform brands are now also competing to create the most revolutionary white lab coats for you. They are using new innovations for their white lab coats so you can be functional, practical, comfortable and stylish as you work.


In the medical industry, history is made by people. But the circumstances around that person and their achievement are often over shadowed. Therefore, it’s important to consider how much advancement would we’ve realistically made without the protection of white lab coats? These lab coats which have evolved through time should always be held in gratitude for keeping us safe. They take on the first impact of any accidents and protect us from getting hurt. It is because of the safety shield that white lab coats provide, that scientists have dared to be bold. We have challenged all knowledge and kept doing experiments, because we know our white lab coats will protect us. This is why you should always remember the history of your white lab coat and give it its deserving respect.
